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    Author: Sabene Rizvi


    A rotten soul

    I'm less upset about the fact that you lied to me, 

    And more upset about the fact that you wasted my time, 

    My time, 

    The most expensive thing I own, 

    You're a smart thief, 

    Taking the thing I value the most, 

    The thing I have the least of, 


    What did you think it would work on me, 

    Me whose been lied to and cheated so many times that I can tell a lie from a truth in an instant,

    The only thing that hurts is that I didn't find out sooner, 


    And when I called you out on it, 

    You tried to lie again, 

    What good was it?

    Didn't you know we were done for, 


    You don't think I found out what you wanted after that first lie, 

    The lie that ended it all, 

    The lie that showed just how rotten your soul w...

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    An early morning in winter

    It seemed as if the wind was more exasperated as usual, its coldness brushed against her skin. The leaves were completely in sync with wind, angry as ever. The sun it seemed had disappeared and people on the streets craved the warmth of the inside, as they tried to hide in their heavy coats and jackets but she took a heavy breath and stepped out. Everything around her seemed to have meaning and Everything around her was joyous, she didn't care about the wind. Her hand tightened around the coffee cup that was completely empty and she walked on...


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    Come home

    I don't want your money, 

    I don't want you to open your wallet to buy me roses or to buy me dinner, 


    I want the most expensive thing you have, 

    I want your time, 

    I want you to pick up the phone when I call you, 

    It was never money for me, 

    Remember when we were two broke 12 year olds with absolutely no money, 

    I wanna go back to that, 

    I wanna see that smile on your face, 

    That passion in your eyes, 

    I don't want you to slave your life away, 

    I want you to enjoy it with me, 


    I wanna dance with you, 

    I wanna sing with you, 

    I wanna be those two drunk 20 year olds dancing on the club floor, 

    Without a care in the world, 


    Remember our first fight, 

    We yelled at each oth...

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    Together we are capable of destroying the whole earth

    He is the air to my flame, 

    Without him, 

    I choke,

    Without him I am incomplete, 

    We are monstrosities on our own, 

    But together we can destroy the whole earth


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    Is the world truly a sea of blackness?

    I look out the window,

    It’s another sleepless night,

    As i look out,

    I notice that even at 2 AM,

    It is not pitch black,

    You can still see the trees,

    It makes me wonder whether true blackness is a human concept,

    And even at the darkest time,

    God shines his light,

    He never makes the world truly dark,

    God didn’t make the world a sea of darkness,

    We, humans, did


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    I lay in bed, 

    Wondering when was the last time I felt joy, 

    Happiness I could remember, 

    Happiness can be bought, 

    Joy can't, 

    What happens when the pain is all you know, 

    What happens when you normalize it, 

    What happens when this is the new normal and joy is nothing but a mere memory? 

    It's a feeling I know all too well


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    Nothing but a fading memory

    I saw the first tree, 

    I was in, 

    Into the woods, 

    I could hear him, 

    Coming behind me, 

    I could hear dad say, 

    I'm going to catch you, 

    He caught me that day, 

    And the next, 

    And the next, 

    Until he was not there, 

    Until he was no more than a memory


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