is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • Tower of Questions

        A pregnant click drums my ear rage; my hearing shells are haunted by the tin-roar of tam-tam rumbles that wound the symphonies found in Silence! Am I still awake, or would I just be a wandering, petty thief of my dreams? The balm with my balm surprises me every night and as a lover settles on my sweaty body in battles! They bring the small and big sounds by the time I realize that my ear noise is feeding on my own!
        Supersonic planes are dragging over my head on the muffled silence! I know: I shouldn’t surrender myself to the channels of my debilitating loneliness - even though the conscious danger of insecurity is growing! I would have to deal with the regenerative pains of my abandoned past to get rid of the cages of wrinkling squirrel wheels!
        Even in silence, a sweetly rumbling sound would be needed, like a hearing-difficulty functioning as a weight! Vigilant suspicion in my soul can't help much - it alienates me with its finiteness! It would be good to hide from your tiring, eternal presence again! "Many times his empathy is lowered by deliberate unworthiness!" Where else can I find spark-understanding in the depths of ascending stone hearts ?!
        I can tell of myself, when I am embroiled in a crossfire of awe-inspiring sensitivity at some point and interrogating gaze, the question-demanding torch of the intellect is just curious - but it hardly feels like a giver! Only he could understand even through his heart he could see me through the rays of longing eternal Beings
