is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • Moving noise waves

        On the retina of my eyes, a rainbow of worries burns and throbs: a prisoner of a strange landscape at home! He struggles with a sense of desert deficit at the cost of his struggles every day while Time bites more and more bites into his beating heart! The commiss idiocy of the ignorant makes him make a conscious escape; You still want to snuggle up to a dear someone, to feel the Sighs of the Spirit that can be listened to, even the subtle forms! Inward-looking Eye is his, which accustomes the victim-self to constant murderous vigilance!
        His head is burned by bone-breaking sunlight; shards of light scatter on the glass beads of light shards! As inner waves of life, life is just rushing through it; movable cat-mouse wars keep teasing! Bumblebee's weakening eyes with true pearls also sin every day! There could hardly be any left who would renew their eternal friendship with sincere encouragement! With all deliberate stubbornness, the personality of selfish Will flares up in him, the more impenetrable and unbreakable!
        He would rather avoid a fighting battle as a wise Confucius; and seeks the humiliation of Peace! Surprised by Cassandra's predictions of great decisions, he just stands and meditates! He strives to let comforting smiles close to himself, brave his confidence is hampered by broken ideas and plans; his discouragement of True-Honest Conversation could still reveal if the greedy story of People could be thrown out the window
