is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Please share this website as much as possible.


    I write to pass the days

    It keeps my mind sharp from going astray

    At times it could be experiences

    The focus on encouragement in instances

    Yet my writing gives me assurances

    Inspiration from influences

    What I learned I try to share

    Through the cloudy days and fair

    Breaking down from uncertain skies with a changeable heart

    Yet my writing directs me and shows me tomorrow

    Through the tears of sorrow

    Directions that are precise

    Sometimes giving me a dose of my own advice

    Words for achieving and sentences for sustaining

    Writing gives me the psychological approach

    Focus is on fact

    While writing keeps me on track

    Writing being my anecdote

    But it keeps down to encouragement from within being how my words were spoken

    My writing is a gift from Heaven and blessed words are my token



