is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    Traditional has changed

    It comes with a new arrange

    Wisdom has been replaced by tomorrows Millennial

    Knowledge of the past being a wonder

    But the remembrance has stretched yonder

    However, the past must now ponder

    Experience that was put into effect

    Understanding on detect

    But the new Millennial are in a new horizon with agenda’s that might be on defect

    Ideas beyond the obsolete comprehension

    They are the one’s who draw attention

    Tomorrow swiftly moved to present

    The Millennial are the represent

    We the obsolete started the phase

    But it comes with it’s own amaze

    It started in what was to be done in life

    Our encouragement added to the advice

    It’s up to the Millennial to put up where we can no longer go

    The Millennial are now in the know

    We maybe obsolete, but we have the wisdom and understanding in guiding in the upkeep
