is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • Interrogation of transitions

        I need transitions and stagnation, even if the "you're afraid!" Can make you more tormented every day. It’s as if something weird is happening to me in a call for challenges: an instinct duel is then taking place as a dance of tingling molecules in self-exclusion! From the Time we always leave in a row behind us, a consecrated moment of Being emerges: the lasting fullness of fragments! Maybe then if I downplay myself as a breaker petting me, I might get what I missed in my pathetic life; celebrating my lies will only come to life then really really!
        My constantly dreaded, strained nerves dipped in gunpowder would escape exploding sparks: as if chewing and crusting inside at once: Pain or a tolerated stigma wound! - There is a deliberate death jump in brain-washed brain cells in this Age; a self-proclaimed, meaningless daredevil five-minute-man-made Babel chaos! My eyes seeing everything, two eternally teary islands of mist! I am horrified by the ceaseless departure of human promises, the thought of exclusion! I would still cling to the handcuffs of friendships with my head raised!
        I'm finding it harder and harder to put up with the good shape! These many false, given Word-traps, like a rope into which I hold my foolishly palisated head like a loop! When the haunting moonlight of deceptive crowded evenings hisses, I still feel: Valuable Nothing
