is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • Depth cries into depths!

        My Universe is shaken by falling stars! In a pitch-dark night, I would still hold the tearing sky with a will to urinate; pathetic son of Atlas among the more steadfast! The sickly-yellow Moon, like the mgposhadt apple, terrifies among skeletal trees and descends into the pool of blood of the fainted Sun at every whim! The sonnet wreath of single-serviced sun-scented smiles is further multiplied by the selfishness of Memory and pleasures that shines on the faces of mothers when they feel the jingling beats of the other precious, angelic existence!
        The stars shining on the light carousel orbit in an X-ray; the sun is always on fire! "He who doesn't wait for an answer on the donkey ladder of Being even shrinks!" Every memory is a deceptive dream! The constantly renewing responsibility drives us into a drifting dizziness: the intention of improving people! Its freedom of abysses cannot be enough to soar to infinity in our Pegasus-cherishing human spirit!
        As on the seabed, we seek our place among the true Beads in the expanding Universe until our swirling hearts can find peace! Another self of ourselves cries out to another depths! In the infinity inside, everyone can already imagine themselves; we should delve into ourselves to find the presence! We are curiously searching for beggar-beauties while learning the point in the bright smile of human-eye stars!
        There are innumerable circles around your Heart Center in which the Heart of Being throbs; the fog of damped dazing stunts benevolently soothes and seems comforting! As a sore clump of meat, like in a forest, I suddenly fall into the murmuring memories of the wild om.
