is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • Safe consolation

        Who can rock a dream of falling snow like feathers - you can still be happy! On my face, ice flakes also produce frozen tears! The executioner sifts his threshing densely in the executioner's snow; I feel wherever I could turn sinking into a chasm beneath the shaky ground below me! A sharp mischievous otter from behind snowflake-laces fires your eyes at me because you squeeze me hard so you can feel immortal - you’ll never let go!
        The destructive distance between you and your needle-swan swan is growing! On my throbbing lashes, roaring icicles pierce my soul-seeing soul! The killer snow will melt and slowly buried! I would wrap your fragile petal body in a quilt so as not to catch a cold to comfort me among my fate-bitter blunders! Your budding rosebud lips softly search the secrets of my shipwrecked chubby body; your tempered gaze to my face is wolf-eyed and smells!
        With appropriate reverence, I could explore the Universe with you! I would share my deep sea spirit with you so that together we can cry out to the whole Wholeness as we can give to each other! Why am I thirsting for the depths of your being? Thirst for yourself or your soul; to a fallen heart that would embrace and worship and donate! Your thirst, you know, erupts in me! I fall to be here because I need your solid spiritual support! I feel: I can be a sore Lack of Being just who’s selfish trials consume; flutter to me in your flame of love!
        Two squirting flames, shavings of being, circulate in my desperate soul forever! You give me safe consolation.
