is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • Shed-meeting

        I fragment daily into massive piles of stone; my body will perish on its own, it will be destroyed: a captive human nuance! Much more of a mood than a redeeming daze! Maybe I can exist falsely because I tried to stay Human ?! I carry heavy memories among myself among the falls of hope! Exhausted numbness will dominate every missed kiss! My dreams have been marred by the afflicted cleanser of Being! Young ladies who are tempted to give birth with new promises often do not even think about their long-term future! An eternity over my head is always by the time the dill of billions of light bulbs burn out; alone a black downpour begins and tears the gutter with tears!
        My hesitant sweating hand would awkwardly search the other half of his life; in vain! For a cheap reputation, anyone is brave enough to break and trample right away! Who is listening to my excited heartbeats in God's subcutaneous cages ?! My squinting eyes are hurt by the shard of glass of sharp light; dull beacon breathes my last, redeemed kiss! Faded dreams as shocking uselessness continue to breathe in the legacy of our memories!
        The fear of insecurity seems like a sculpted marble-enclosed roar while in the primeval forest moment we could have remained in vain People kneaded from mud! In star-tuning voices, we talked to each other like seven-try, unfortunate clowns, comrades! "On my fingers, if I'm not careful, the drops of Faithfulness can dry out."
