is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • Silence-Mountains

        The pounding rhythm of your heart locks like a lattice into your selfish infarction prison! Heavy, killer dagger icicles are loaded on you! And you swing in vain in the wilderness, dancing rope on a single movable trapezoidal thread; Fear pumps blood pounding into your heart and you can't break out of yourself! Your heart, which felt the gates of secrets, had opened it many times, yet you could not be completely free in your inner infinity throbbing with someone's rhythms if you had already made me a traitor because you were selfish and cowardly to yourself that you tried to love!
        The balsamic midnight bell is constantly rattling; you could get rid of the hundred-year-old Loneliness while your vulnerable soul is destroyed daily in the devastating Nirvana Hall! The pitch-darkness tears at you like a barren dump and you feel suffocating! I feel like I lost my Being parking ticket many times! The Coming of Merciful Times rustles my calcium-marinated bones and I can't break out! It would be so good to cling to the wave speech of the seas, the dance rhythm of growls!
        Time-cutting Celeb phrases are copied by the teens and the creative culture lesson is deliberately forgotten! They are themselves impatient with consecrated expectations; I would need the blade-sharp leaf of a gladiolus petal many times to sacrifice my loyalty with blood! You can hardly hold on to the laughter opened from curtain faces! - Your body wrapped in a blanket in hooded mists is transported by Léthe's rushing corridor, forgetfulness rings quickly! Your body clamps-closes Silence Mountains in you…
