is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • Terrifying ecstasy

         In the murderous silence of wrinkled-faced, moonlit nights, I hear the purple-petal, tachycardia heart purring like a throbbing lover! The voice of a whore-whore whispers, a more and more dignified, dream-plan is bubbling inside you: you are less and less likely to encounter sincere gazes gleaming in the unfamiliar, business-like gloom of celeb shows! A nocturnal refuge for vagrants may not accommodate either the hermit prophet or the lyrical intelligentsia! Its torn strings cannot be healed by Moiras, who are already overwhelmed by the existing Time!
         As a fleeing savage of hidden spiral paths, in whose damn footprint the sand grains of the apocalypse flutter as warning, stigma signs — the underworld alley of stinking gate-depths will also be home to the Guardians who have survived to Man! For the time being, you can only find eternal love of the Universe in your imagination! An incorrigible eternal child-Man, who is constantly wounded by weed-biting bitangs and who still cannot betray his childhood, his curable curiosity, because then the player's ability to marvel is lost!
         Terrified even now! Like a sick, orphaned, molasses boy from the joys of semi-foolish offerings too! Remember everyone! As a child, you can find refuge in the superstitious, superstitious breast-harbors between the soul-marching fear and dread driven by superstitious breast-harbors! The smelly, nasal-squeezing memory stench of cheap desaders often squeezes your nose even in the present tense!
         A mature, meaningful life should never give up its faded hopes! The butterfly-shadows of the rainbow lashes are still laughing at the disadvantage of hesitant-awkward awkwardness - but it takes more time with the paradise ecstasy that multiplies the blood molecules of the Universe
