is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • The intoxication of despair

         Sleepless Night splashes of Light; in a haunting lunar world, a little boy swells with tears! The silent pearl drop of rays sticks to his face! In his troubled soul, Angel marvels and hesitates over the mortalities of the present World! The lush mane of wise trees still boldly hides the darkness, but there will be a time when the damned parental hand will create a space shortage around you again! The fish-stepped Twilight also knocks the rusty canal to the chattering word of falling dew, while re-mixing with the juices of the life-giving earth!
         As a familiar, familiar friend, Sorrow greets me with sorrow; the driving force of my pessimism! And if it weren’t for the wounded consciousness in my self, perhaps the happiness found in me would come out too! The melting mood of the evening is haunted by horrors; rest hesitant, my boyish soul rocking in foam foams Cheerful Universe kisses when wake me up ?! My slowly aging lonely Pygmalion face wipes away the cautious laughter! "What is happening here today cannot be enough to bring life-giving, gentle tears!"
         The fever was still dancing in wanton-rogue's eyes and I had to explain the firm laws of Humanity again and again to the deaf ears that had stopped! Human hearts and talkative eye-stars are now lurking! The insidious, little-style rats of Time are running around us on kangaroos! And the orphaned Spirit already attracts like a starving pooch! The seemed Time scared consolation! Rib-crushing passions are still raging in me; I have yet to see that trial-and-error hearts of hero-loving hearts of Bliss fail! "We couldn't stay true to ourselves enough!" My tired heart still watches and guards the intoxication of Despair…
