is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • Predicted pact

         Help is less and less coming from a knife-throwing hand backwards! Account for the perpetrator of the victim too! They are believing the freelancer with outlets! There are no longer organized forms in the breaking of seventious garments, but intentional, ugly flirtation prevails; in their murderous conquest, Alpine jokes are also immersed and then deliberately immersed! - Through dazzled sensationalist-eyed eyes, the Simplified Man also searches for obtainable Dreams! Tired and cared for its existence! Squeaky loves Gentle kiss, kind emotion becomes a moment in the stations of the Universe!
         We are alluding to ourselves in the lunar moonlighting between our lies; collisions of intent rarely end in a romantic way! Any vacuum is already unbearable; if the treasure Dear flaming smile cannot welcome the flaming dawn! - Subordinate Fates disintegrate and evaporate! Traveling sorrows are reflected in testifying eyes; over-dramatized, brain-gesturing gestures still prevail on the stage of raging swings! Where might the playful smell of childhoods labeled innocent appear?!
         Why does it exist that responsibility is being deliberately forgotten today? In a reprehensible, murderous look, insidious complicity flies and waits quietly: the benefits of trophy opportunities are worthy! You should win a kiss through petals and not for intent! In a period of foreseeable end-expectations, I would enjoy conscious, compassionate consolation: as mothers ’response to the heart-echoes of child-voices!
