is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Please share this website as much as possible.


    I feel trapped in my own emotions

    I see myself drowning in an ocean
    My Soul seems far away

    I feel the decay

    Voices tell me Die Die Die

    I have no questions of why or if I should even live

    Family don’t seem to have an interest

    I have no one close dearest

    I wonder how my suicide would be

    No one would even care and see

    I don’t need a push

    Suicide is my only wish

    I wouldn’t even say goodbye nor cry

    My tomorrow came today

    I have no story

    Let me aim towards glory

    Distance in separation

    This is my Depreciation

    A creation that once was

    Now a destiny of a different nature

    Too late, suicide wins

