is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    Harmony tick tock

    Precision right on the dot

    Tone around time

    Each clock sounded like a musical blend

    It was totally breathtaking within

    It was the clock’s version of “The Hand Of Time”

    The moment in the hour

    The second at the minute

    The place being any place

    The fact of time having no waste

    Serene yet gentle

    The clock’s playing the skies song of “The Rhythm of the horizon above”

    A place in time to think of

    Your time is now

    The sounds

    Acceleration of time

    All being one of a kind

    The time instrument of delight

    The thought of suggestion in might

    Time opening the eyes and seeing today well into tomorrow’s daylight

    Fast moving hands of time

    Now settle down and unwind

    Your time you didn’t expect

    Time after time

