is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • A rooted voice

    A rooted voice
    Knowing who I am is nothing
    If I don't know where I'm from
    My roots are my backbone in life
    A strong family tree takes me home
    Makes me who I am, gives a background

    Mama, a woman so rooted in culture
    Her knowledge of Africanism is amazing
    Married to a proud clan name rooted her
    My life was shaped as a child into knowing my lineage

    As an African man your clan name is where your roots are, you're blood bound
    My clan name is Gambu, who is a child of Memela, Memela who is Nontuli's child
    I can't marry into the surname of the Memelas nor of the Nontulis

    Mama with a voice so rooted and so invested in grooming an African man 
    I knew my lineage and my place from a young age, my mouth was shaped into words, respect for women is in my family tree, she knows that

    Love thy neighbor as your own family is not only from the Bible is just a voice from a rooted mama guiding a young man into manhood the best way she knows how
    What she was getting from my Tata she wanted another woman to get it from me
    I'm part of the roots of that family tree
    To her my family and myself gives praises
    © Lungi Shigo Msusa
