is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • A miracle of believing

    A miracle of believing
    Never let the sun 
    goes down on you
    The dark is more scary when 
    alone in its tunnels of sins 
    Evil is next to you every time

    Light - a beam of hope
    Light - a resurrection of soul
    Light - a way home for lost ships
    Light - needs awaken eyes to burn

    Oppressed mind rises on dusty streets
    Townships of ghettos bears fruits
    With the nectar of presidency at times
    Where there's a light there's a way

    Crossed, I wasn't born 
    with the silver spoon
    I was born on the other 
    side of the fence looking in

    Looking in, other kids 
    were whiter than I was
    Enjoying all kinds of privileges, 
    that almost burned out my light

    A miracle of believing in me
    Came with the light of success
    The candle of hope breathed life into me
    A miracle of believing has no color
    © Lungi Shigo Msusa
