is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • Goodbye mama

    Goodbye mama
    You left us with him and never looked back
    He was never our tata mama, he was just your boyfriend
    We were just too young we fitted in your purse

    He was beating you, you say!
    That gave you all the right to vanish on us without trace
    He's gone to hell now, you are back

    It's your house, you say!
    Where were you when we nearly died of hunger, when we were persecuted by the scams of this land?!!
    Where were you when we fought day in day out just to stay alive, when we ate breadcrumbs he left yesterday?!!

    We were boys, boys don't cry you say!
    Where were you when we cried tears of blood mama, holding on to each other for dear life?!!
    He was beating you, you say!
    You had to run away, you say!

    Did he make you bleed, have you seen us bleed mama?!!
    Have you seen a bleeding heart?!!
    Where were you when our hearts bled mama?!!

    He loved us, you say!
    Yeah we've all seen the love
    You took that love away with you mama
    You sorry, you say!
    We sorry too sorry doesn't cut it
    Goodbye mama
    © Lungi Shigo Msusa
