is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • Midsummer night's dream

    Midsummer night's dream
    Happy as I am in love, can't call myself spontaneous and going with the flow
    Opposites attract, wifey a free soul like a butterfly in love, always dacing in ecstasy
    Love is the air she breathe anywhere, anytime

    Anywhere is play time on her love theater, bringing magic to my ever brimming love
    We sing in the moonlight, we dance naked to the rise of the morning sunshine
    Singing in the rain, we singing in the rain

    My midsummer night's dream eager to show spontaneous initiatives, I caught the bug, her love a contagious feeling
    Jumped on the band wagon we making love in the moonlight, rain drops soaking our skins, we are like birds on twig

    I'm starring in my own movie, making love under the moonlight, audience a light rain
    Midsummer night's dream realized on the dazz of happiness, I'm spontaneous
    Spontaneousness is everyone's fan, I'm the delight of the passerbys, that's new to me
    © Lungi Shigo Msusa
