is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • Losing yourself

    Losing yourself
    Where are you now!
    You are gone
    Your mind is away
    From your soul 
    You busy trying 
    To please friends
    Who don't even
    Know your name
    No matter how many
    Times you correct them
    They just won't pronounce
    Your name right, they just don't care
    You are who and what they say you are
    Take the hint, you don't belong
    You see the secret laughter
    Yet you convince yourself
    They are laughing at the weather
    They are laughing at the bucking dog
    I'm sorry stupid, they are mocking you
    Wake up, you don't belong 
    Why do you have to feel always
    Uncomfortable around friends;
    You losing yourself afraid of losing them
    Can you get the hint!
    Smell the roses, smell the coffee
    Your see the smoke
    But you blind your eyes to the real fire
    Fire yourself up, don't lose yourself
    Love yourself before you lose yourself
    Embrace your insecurities
    Love your flaws, they make you you
    © Lungi Shigo Musa
