is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    My time in fear

    Rejection in not wanting anyone near

    My tears are my experiences I saw

    My mind told me to completely ignore

    No flourish to soar

    My tears pour heavy

    They are like a Dam levy

    But they are holding steady

    How do I overcome?

    I am surrounded by lonesome

    My tears are next to none

    I must step out in courage

    That is the only way to nourish

    Tears come at a moment’s notice

    My tears show I have no confidence

    It’s obvious in an instance

    No matter how tears fall

    I must be able and not stall

    I feel more of a regret

    My tears have that effect

    Stop now tears

    This is the right time to preserver

    Encourage me and come near

    My tears have drawn back

    My darkness is no longer black

    I am responding now in just reflect

