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    Drink Up

    I am a true Texan

    Came from a small Texas Town

    Travelling on a Stage Coach kicking up dust

    I came to a town called “REFRESHING GULCH”

    That town has the right name

    But I am just being lame

    Those folks drink Sun Up to Sundown

    Now I don’t drink along those lines

    But then again, have I truly lost my mind

    However, all I can remember I was knocked out drunk

    It happened in the Pleasure Saloon

    I had arrived on that Stage Coach at noon

    What a way to begin a journey

    By the way, my name is Ernie

    Somehow, I was so drunk, I was put into a hotel room in town

    It was called “SETTLE YOURSELF

    I woke up and found myself in nothing but my underwear

    Talk about an embarrassing moment

    Barely holding steady

    I have a hangover the size of Wyoming

    There was a knock at the door, and it was the Sheriff Hummer, checking up on me

    I asked the Sheriff, “How did I get into this room?”

    He said he carried me

    All I can remember is seeing the Can Can Girls as they showed dance in can

    I just kept drinking as I could into when with no end

    That’s where everything turned black

    I don’t remember anything else other than that

    However, I do remember a lady name JOSIE

    Beautiful Gal

    But she disappeared

    Now I want a smoke

    But all I am thinking of right now is GUNSMOKE

    I am waiting for Marshall Dillion to step in

    But all I want to do is for my drinking to come to an end

    Now I can’t walk through Refreshing Gulch dressed like this

    I am here in my underwear

    It’s all my thought of beware

    I am not going to let the truth be told

    But I have already told the story so no need for me to put on hold

    This is no time to be bold

    So much for drinking

    What was I thinking?

    The Moon was high and all I was thinking I

    This is what I get

    Now it is all regret

    Perhaps I should gamble and bet in the downstairs Saloon

    The sun can be very high at moon

    Just my luck, I could be in the last round up

    It would become my mock

    So much for Texas

    As Texan’s say, “I Fixin to Leave”

    What time is the next Stage Coach

    So long folks

    Please no jokes





