is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • Sad conclusion

         Relaxation is experienced in the Morals and body material believed to be solid! The rest of our existence is already spawned and compact! Hick beak-bumps hit the head every day! The sands of Time are already gently swirling between our fingers; it seems silent to be destroyed and falls to Nirvana! It is a nightmare and an eternity for every conceived application or career plan, and teenagers can get close to the show sooner than they have gradually built the ladders of obsolescence for themselves! "The locks of tons of darkness are deposited in syrup in the craters of barely hazelnut brains!"
         In the subconscious of the Spirit, the voice of warning to ourselves also purrs more and more intermittently! Search dogs sniff in their alert greed! Our own prostitute bodies are also getting unclean! You can expect some protection for those who wear a pseudo-face preserved with killer-dacha to the world! It is not known by routine how long a wounded soul can survive! Do mimosa senses all fly into praise when the crash hits their heads ?!
         They try to aimlessly point out, either in exchange or uniforms for eternal Loves; I will not be a clapper that constantly folds my convictions; swarming phlegm-faced glow-swollen skin shines! Pill mood enhancer intensifies, but you can't dissolve the euphoria for sure Doom-End suicide intoxication! Between raging tearing teeth, beautiful speech is caught; the poison of idiots is folded by the congregation of breathing jerks! The desire for revenge in a shield can only be fulfilled in the mouths of judgmental Prophets
