is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    Let me take you back

    I have a mouse invade

    I am not starting a parade

    I am on a serious mouse attack

    The Sun is high and it’s time for combat

    Mouse beware

    You entered the wrong lair

    Mighty Mouse can’t save you

    I am on a mission to pursue

    You should have stayed in the Disney Kingdom

    It’s battle time using my wisdom

    I am responding like an Exterminating Mob

    I intend to get this mouse problem solved

    They don’t pay rent

    They are not Heaven sent

    Out will be went

    They cannot stay

    They will getaway

    My Defenses all combined

    They don’t call me Killer for nothing

    I don’t intend to be kind

    I am serious and genuine

    My house is not a Hotel for Check in

    I suggest you get out while you can

    It’s check out time

    Goodbye and don’t return

    When will mouse ever learn?



