is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    I happened being an unknown event

    That is how the Earth’s Environment went

    Suddenly a plight hit the Earth

    Transformation into a new species

    Living and walking Turkey’s

    This is what humans had become

    Gobble here and there

    Humans could no longer speak the English language

    Perhaps it was years on Turkey’s being the honored table guest

    Turkey’s warned Earth everywhere and would get their revenge

    Through time

    The Earth didn’t take the Turkey’s Serious

    But now Earth is furious

    However, Turkey’s always got the raw deal

    Humans now are the element being the feel

    Scientist have no idea in how to combat the Turkey reverse

    Now it becomes an everlasting curse

    Gobbling effect

    Forever Turkey’s

    No wonder anyhow

    Turkey’s say, “That is what you get”

    We give you no regret







