is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • Gilbert and the Spiritual Ghost (10/10)

    (Continued from 9/10)

    While days passed away
    after returning from
    the dark forest,
    Gilbert became a new person
    and devoted his time and effort
    for the betterment of humanity.

    He started new researches
    on the philosophy of life,
    depthness of life,
    the enormousity of the universe
    and became a renowned scholar.

    He started giving lectures
    across country wide
    and people respected him much
    for his unique wisdom.

    Later on
    saving his scholarship money
    and lecture money
    he built a research centre
    on remedy of scarlet fever,
    leukemia and other fatal diseases
    and keep the name of the
    research centre by his sister’s name.

    Thus, people knew him
    for many years,
    still remembers him
    for the devotion of Gilbert
    towards humanity.

    (The end- shortened).
