is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    Built from Ice and Snow

    Her erected breast puts the neighborhood in the know

    The Snow Prostitute stands out like two French Musical Horns

    The formation being just right

    Morning, Noon and Night

    It is all shown in plain sight

    Some call the Snow being the Snow Wonder Woman

    I wouldn’t exactly call her A Marvel Avenger
    It’s her stance

    The effect the Snow Prostitute has on men

    I hear relationships are trying to amend

    Men might be on a prowl

    Yet maybe keen eye like an Owl

    Men sometimes fight with their own emotion

    Yet relationships sometimes form commotion

    The Snow Prostitute brings Ecstasy in the air

    Her artistry is beyond compare

    Every Snow Man would be her command

    Creativity being her demand

    The Snow Prostitute brings life to the yard

    Maybe she might need a guard

    The warmth will cause the Snow Prostitute to melt

    The neighborhood would be saddened with a broken heart felt

    It wouldn’t be until another winter wind

    That would be when the Snow Prostitute would begin

    So until her return
    The remembrance of Ice and Snow

    It’s all about the wintry flow

    Snow Prostitute

    Formation Institute

    Who would have thought?

    I see relationships being fought

    Days gone by

    The Snow Prostitute is the reason why

    Until then

    The end






