is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    I thought I had family

    They became my enemy

    I wasn’t wrong in my thinking

    I was put in a corner alone

    I was a family member no one talks about

    The Families reasoning feeling like a Violent Thunderstorm

    I was assured they wanted me dead

    There’s no instead

    Suicidal thoughts

    There was a bottle of Poison on the table

    There was a certain unable

    My mind said, “DRINK, DRINK, DRINK”

    At first, it was one sip of the Poison with every gulch

    Suddenly I felt weak

    My eyes were dim

    The Poison was taking effect

    I felt sleepy and conversing into a transformation

    My heart beat slowly

    My moment of Death was near

    You caused this

    You said I was nothing

    I am drifting into a distance beyond tomorrow

    Don’t pity nor sorrow

    This is what you wanted

    You wanted me dead and now it happened

    My heart and soul belong to the outer world

    Finally, I close my eyes for the last time

    Never to awake


