is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • Face to deeds

      We doubt each other's sincere words, with our souls all tangled and numb. A man's confidence in the old iron chalice of hope may soon be twisted and toppled on its own solid axis! In the antique cage of our brothels, a nervous, rushing, timed clatter is ever warning, "Better to spare and take care while we may!" - The incomprehensible rush, the rush of the rush of the rush, is often silenced by the weight of tomorrow's new beginning! 

    It is harder to assert empathy-tolerance in a narrowed horizon of fading, narrowed horizons; a fierce series of decisions is losing us in each moment with a slow, faltering collapse! In a subcontinent infested with pop culture, only those who have not abandoned their human values for no money, and have not been bribed, can still be vigilant! - Quarchomok-wounded marble shamelessly one night, I will not indulge in irresponsible adventures! 

    Deep-rooted depression-desert is also conscious loneliness. As long as it proclaims itself, it tramples and crushes many! In the murmur of tearful glances, the glance of true faces Smuggles a moment of shelter. Childlike curiosity hidden behind masks confesses with benevolence and asks: "What happens when one necessarily forgets something very important from his happy childhood, in order to live his wounded, absolute adulthood in a more sublime way?! 

    In a time-less phase we spiral around a silently turning wheel of complex decisions, and yet when we look in the mirror every now and then we are surprised at the face we put on that day! 

