is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    Your flesh is already infected by the syrupy, incessant chanting of the brainwashed breeding stock of the tabloid media. We need a new appreciation of ourselves so that moral morality can blossom! You gnaw your plans with your gaping teeth, you dip your flabby lips in a formula that thinks in starvation-careers of infarcted overtime; it's often a chaotic matter of points of view. In your suicidal eye you are constantly trembling with fear for others. The bribeable, cup-bearing swamp of Life pollutes! 

    A little bit always comes through in bulk with all the enriched, pop-culture nonsense yet you gasp your prodigal head: statues of insignificance put you in an awkward, tense situation with their Grönholm-methodical situation! You're wrong if you think that solving a deep water problem is going to help anyone! Helplessness always leaves you crushed, humiliated, and you have to accept and accept it for the umpteenth time: your plans, secretly waiting to be realised, have all run out. Thou canst not be thyself in the undercurrent of puddles, Lying in wait for prey, And plucking bits of the hyena's web of Time! 

    Indulgent realization chokes you every fifth minute you have to spend on earth! The rampant hypocrisy is deliberately fattening and growing, and because the unconsciously unbridled bacchanalia-rage goes on madly day by day: the working little man is also squandering his moral life for cheap! - We have been gradually stuck in the destruction of cultural idiocy for at least ten years! Evolutionary handicaps are decided between Alpha-Heroes, Omega Goddesses! 

    The most effective balance-scales are the fractious harassment of careers, and those who have long since reached the magic age of forty rarely, if ever, manage to manage a material, secure existence! 

