is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    Loyalty, if there was any, has hit a zero desert. Moral, human, generous goodness and all-revealing sincerity have become easy-to-pick-up, cheaply priced underwear. Many people would rather have a fiery shortage on their desks than act on their convictions. Moral morality has also moved on leaving the shores of many beating hearts. 

    They travel through one sentiment after another of sick, miserable, grotesque facts which in each case heighten the chuckling, total, urban absurdity. Everything is palpable through colourful make-up effects. On a human scale, a full and honest exploration of the Soul-frame may yet be in store. 

    Slobbery wax figures make the pretty indulgent, even most of them fish with hooks. The superfluity of the deed can always be overcome. The images come together for the umpteenth time while the eye stumbles to gather everything. - Intoxicated timelessness tenses, lazily encircling the conscious instincts of the dulled will. 

    The urge to do is nowadays too weak even for creativity; where is the chivalrous courtesy?! The steady, determined vengeance of your gaze condemns the accused to mortality in every case; walking in forbidden places, as outcasts, communicating in cryptic sign language, we are often forced to drag the sandbags of ridicule ourselves.

    Even now, the stench of delusion often reeks. Angel-wings extended in muddy goo also perish prematurely. The black bile of reproaches already infects the Being-morale; the throbbing heart-molecules of love. In rings of men it hesitantly staggers, Like an emirate clown of the eternal child-poet. Blessed on the secret borderland of two worlds, in enclosed spaces, the vacuum has often been deliberately drained. 

    Many again have grown guest hair unnecessarily. The free subtleties of speech are ignored at all costs! 

