is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    The cacophonous elixir of 21st century pop culture is already invading our sacred silences with the wailing wails of the sound oranges of harmony and destruction. The light cracks like a shell through glittering make-up, through the ant-filled mass of party faces, until it finally shatters into crystal-glittering shards. Curses and foul-mouthed, free-spoken expletives storm while barbaric idiocies wander hither and thither. 

    Unworthy wantonness and arrogant, peasant boorishness threaten, and the few who can be extracted from public education, like dilettante siserehad, fall into the sins of the industrious fools, because no one can teach them the self-taught tricks any more. Hysterical little girls purr behind polished, high-luminous checkers masks, in a dark mass of flaking eye-paint, their shining pearls of truth can easily be soiled. 

    Canary chatterers and calculating twitchers, lulling their unsuspecting victims into the false illusion of material negligence, lock their unsuspecting victims in uncomfortable dungeons in champagne drips: morality, human dignity, already tied up, sitting in some luxury box lurking in the twilight, secretly waiting to see when it can awaken to reality! 

    The key players of prominent public life and sellable culture are like movable, floppy, straw figures: in the noisy dare-devilry of cheap celeb-partiers who came out of nowhere, who have been conjured out of thin air, it is perhaps easier to establish new, more prestigious literary prizes. If we are still waiting for salvageable help, Life, susceptible to fame, is just as likely to say: "Tell me? How can empathy and tolerance be reborn with new meaning here?" 
