is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • Unspoken utterances

    How do I tell someone,
    Which way to go-
    All the ways met there,
    In the back alley of life.

    Standing on the other side of the border,
    I pry by raising both arms-
    Tired traveler loses target,
    Bumblebee is looking for the nectar.

    In what tune did I sing,
    Though, I want to fulfill my soul-
    Scattered flower petals on the pavement,
    Someone trampled them.

    What am I thinking today,
    Is which color the sky has laid out?
    Again, I am looking for the way with false hope,
    Flowers are falling with silent cry.
