is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • Desires

    Indomitable desires,
    The bald bubble remained invisible in the bushes.

    There is a whimsical settlement of the people near the shore,
    On the uneven shores of thought-
    Listen to the song of the elusive rain,
    Match the eyes, shed tears-
    It is mixed within the soul to soul.

    Only now doves graze in the courtyard of the house,
    Filled with loneliness all the time,
    Through the gaps of carelessly growing shrubs,
    The torn moon peeks out.

    And consumes eternally,
    With the hopeless thoughts,
    Yet suddenly attacked-
    Weeping desires, in the valley of the last sleep.
