is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • Never know

    The moonlight disappeared suddenly,
    Took the darkness with her-
    Who placed passion-flower in her ears,
    With a uncomprehending smile,
    With a cowardly step who came and stood in the corner of the square.

    Silver moon,
    That is painted only on the painter's canvas.
    Under the bare wood apple tree, or on the edge of the cinnamon forest,
    Is anyone waiting for someone?

    With a weak argument,
    What a tense memory to hold!
    On the other hand, in earthen plate, the rice is poured with water
    But the tailed dog plundered all,
    And I stood under the darkness,
    Recite Shakespeare's lyric.

    Yet I don’t know why, but hear
    The fasting street child continues to say,
    "Give me a handful of food!"
    I can't write poetry anymore.
