is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • Farewell bell

    Suddenly the farewell bell rang,
    Who or what will be lost forever
    Gave the advance message.

    The eagle that flies alone in the sky,
    Or the old vulture perched on a palm tree,
    Or the memories arranged in the middle of the heart.

    Standing in the shade of a tree,
    The whole world revolved unexpectedly,
    And according to Newton's third law-
    Every action is like an equal and opposite reaction,
    The activities shifted.

    Suddenly again,
    Wind, clouds, sunshine, rain, storm,
    All the matches became one.
    And standing at the crossroads,
    The emaciated, hungry child cried and said:
    "I want a handful of food!"

    (In memory of my good friend Bill Manning.)
