is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    We should reorganize, knead, or just confess honestly and clearly the deeds of Action, our common cause-work, - to meet universally in a handshake, in a swirl of hands clasping for thoughts, where purpose and will may yet again bear witness and faith, even if its ascending spiral course should suddenly break and fall, and from whence the sacred torchlight of enlightenment be released into our human brainwashing!

    From ideas, creative ideas, let innovative, refreshing spirituality spring up, so that the free-thinking process may be fulfilled and become reality in this man-hating wild hooliganism, and reason may not sink in the raging flood of universally expandable idiocy! -May the timid, wounded prophet return from the harmony-dividing peace-maiden of forests, to whose voice the echoing voice of forest-mountains answers with Jericho trumpets, and may the hermit, who has been waiting so long, whipping himself with spiralling whirlpools of doubt, return to save with renewed strength the long-forgotten, heraldic treasures of our knowledge. 

    For we so need the lively, active intellectual niche - the clear, unambiguous resolution where the mind and the all-seeing eye can measure itself. Where our feet are no longer bound by profiteering gambits, where insidious hypocrites no longer deliberately cross our necks with their sharpened executioner's knives, and where we can be followed by the deserved place of manuscripts, where modern health care is created! 

    People! With your willfully deaf ears, find at last a noble path, ready to cooperate in tasks and plans, which, in this crazy-violent world, will lead to the paths of active action, to the paths of purpose, to the paths of human happiness!   

