is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • Love the Conquerer

    In you i found a wife

    A wife to share my life

    Baby You bring out the best
    Making me forget the rest
    In your warm embrace i nest
    You warmed my heart which had been  cold like the crest
    Of the mighty Mt Everest

    Distance is just but a stretched mile
    Yes it may be long like the Nile
    But i feel your presence in a while
    I crown you a thief
    A thief without motive
    For you are the thief who stole my heart
    Keep it my love keep it safe

    You are a flower in the midst of flowers
    A flower with rare abilities and powers
    The flower so fresh and so fragrant
    You are making me a migrant
    A migrant seeking refuge
    I just wanna nest in your beautiful petals

    I feel the raindrops on my roof
    They create this rythm
    As it is a form of a hymn
    Singing and howling your name
    Listen ta!ta!ta
    I close my eyes and  wonder
    Thinking of the good moments spent together and the memories cherished🥰

