is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Please share this website as much as possible.


    Heavenly heavy heart bleeds

    He is now seen as hope

    The world prefers to their own understanding in cope

    Refuses to recognize

    He is the power and energize

    Mighty and a world that loses sight

    Throughout Earth being light

    Mirror of our own Lord’s creation

    Miraculous, Excellence and Golden

    We must be withholden

    The Lord prays for the world in tears

    He is not welcomed near

    A world prefers to live in fear
    Lord Host

    He is someone to boost

    Navigator and Creator

    Lord cry

    A world who won’t give the Lord a try

    He doesn’t want to see the world perish

    He is love and distinguished


    The Lord is guidance and advise
    Biblical tools and commandments

    Turning away and astray

    The Lord sheds tears for the world that is not ok

    Hold onto the Lord’s threshold and take whole

    Believe in him and not in self

    Not like everybody else

    True, Honest and serves a purpose
    Make that your spirit being obvious

    Let the Lord weep no more

    Don’t ignore

    He the rising King in guidance for sure

    Clouds maneuver

    The rains came

    You have been cleansed

    Redeem and come clean

    The Lord welcomes you being his esteem



