is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    While your superstitious eyes gleam in my eyes, Like your confident diamond unbreakable, And richly evermore I listen to your lark's trilling, Edenic voice. What ghost-spirits have once more with their slithering snitch-bouncing struck me? Distance is now a distance between us; while yesterday was yesterday, but now the ruins of days are blended with the twisted light of thy memory. Thou glidest with graceful deer's giddy surrances, In thine eyes the stars that gleam are twinkling, And glowing delight is the extraordinary One-glow of thy dear intoxicated soul.

    Thy smile on thy bud-flowering rose-lips, In a gay, playful dance of thy smile, Lingers away; in a graceful motion, With sure swan-hands held, Thy angelic image of thy faithfulness, Trembled frail beside. The romantic compliment to your unselfish heart was an unexpected treasure; the immortal-early moment of the Universe was ours then, and that it is said to be quite past, believe it not!

    You smile into the camera, and new applications like flower-hanging holy flowers blossom in my much-felt soul. Fearless, redeeming Angel, dear one! You are now completing the donkey-ladder of your rigorous examinations, even the rigorous requirements of your rigorous exams, and that makes you almost enviously confident, sure-footed and daring. Always elegantly handsome, you stand out like a grown-up sword flower, your humanity always up to date with redeeming honesty.

    And I would clasp thy blessed alabaster-white hands, which thou hast lovingly placed in mine as a pledge of thy vow: a fragile porcelain hand, which as a secret soul-seeing can see the hidden connections of these earthly things. I looked lost into your flame-eyes, which with forgiving and caring eyes, looked upon me, and encouraged me to do more; I was feverishly, benevolently mad with joy opened! - Surely, waiting, I ought to believe that, whatever may be the turn of blind fate or misfortune, you will wait for me in the common life, steadfastly adhering to your principles, and thus defiantly encouraging me: 'Do you hear my words? If I linger in your memory, remember me."

