is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    Come with me, if I fall on my knees before thee, and bend my wheat-cone head in thy fertile lap. There is no escape now! Still ringing in the depths of our lost souls, the hissing pearl of truth rings, to freeze into a translucent, refined glass ball on our flushed cheeks. Our memories, like faithful travelling companions, if we think hard and willfully, will come back to haunt us. 

    Thou mayst stumble with me in the mud and mire, if thou wilt not let me take thee on my open, cherishing oak-tree boughs, and let us together leap over the mischievous, petty little pools. - The outstretched gang-wings of deserted staircases force their pinching draughts on us like shivers; cling to me tightly, as if your own life depended on it! Let me feel the warmth of your beating little heart, whispering, "I love you!" 

    Thou dost lay thy lily-headed little head on my breast, and like two heroic lovers, plighted by nature's vicious pact, Their souls' holy vow for each other's sake, A gallant injury can seldom touch! The gadflies of bitter, fierce winds are easily overlooked, and perhaps even overwrought. I pray thee stay with me twenty years more, and ask not why. Let us now resume this eerie, underworldly walk in a barely lit underpass, where only your proud deer-eye still shines alone towards me; a giving fire-angel charm.

    Let us stumble on and on. We have already earned our reward by holding each other's hands half shyly like excited adolescents, and you see, my dear one, if we look into each other's soul-searching eyes - perhaps - we can have a blinding, dazzling reward: we can exist in each other's vulnerability. We shall enter with solemn reverence into the earthly paradise of All, where tender, romantic caresses may give birth to fruitful little lives!  

