is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    Like character and intention; a cunning, insidious, cunning will, which paves further lying-careeristic paths for petty self-interest! In an influential, constantly administered reality, everything has already sunk to the level of a possible "Apparent Information"! - A new foot-sucking elite is growing like a bellows, who in exchange for greasier jobs even keep their precious conscience for sale!

    The just grievances of the people, raised with real honesty, are rejected without a sound by the partisan court: the bribed and faking witnesses, used to flea markets, need sensational trials with pay-offs! Imaginary scares are often plausible when they besiege the common people with bills instead of revenues collected in contracts! In the parallelism of the times, we all carry within ourselves the picture: in the twilight of our old age, when we are reduced to the pose of old age, how will our fate turn without sure help?!

    We have known for a long time, and many of us have come to accept it: in the labyrinths of compromise, there can seldom be a well-trodden path of atonement; in our unatoned agonies, the still-quivering cry of wounded pains still trembles and howls! Many swear by the ecstatically enriched Hungarian illusory lifestyles, and when the era of realizations has long since come, all wash the dirt of their pasts, their forgivable sins, all alone! - It is becoming more and more common even in human culture, and it may be easy to die again in the hopelessness of the sure!

