is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • Wandering eyes


    What a fertile serenity. Maybe a time of immortal fulfillment, that’s why he’s so content. Harmonious move here now. cherished unnecessary activity as a caring parent of Time! - We're still here; in the realized immortality of the Universe, imprisoned, in each other's hearts, in their consciences.

    Walled in the prolific tunnels of our blood vessels. - It's unnecessary to talk here, it's not appropriate. Then come the gray-worn everyday, - voices enviable and jealous of our happiness. Just living for each other, hoping; to forget the Heaven of Existence - the most important moral act: To live and appreciate love, to live as long as possible!

    How many hopeless, transient moments chewing on the eternity of error: more and more certain can be given by the unconditional oath of allegiance of a given emotion! The pounding messages of hearts live side by side like ripe apples in the secret gardens of Hesperides!

    And when it suddenly cools down, it tears to pieces like an empty, meaningless bastard with the given love, omnipotent emotion, maybe inside and inside, we'll just be like the undead! We all embark on a long journey of emotion: Deceptive, empty promises, free return: where perhaps the answers to promised kisses can be bribed!

    "The broken insecurity, the impasse of trust, should be left behind me." It is a great blessing and a rare fortune to confess the sincere Faithfulness, which shakes the blood globules of molecules in the tunnels of cells. With true faith, a raised head, yet human humility!

    The Spirit and the Heart want to play drums, effervescence, boil like cauldrons, merge, and merge into one, if we dive into each other's planetary eyes!
