is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...



    But it would be nice to cling to thin, almost transparent words again; even when we feel the Spirit as some strange unknown there is still something missing. It would still be good to scrape together what is left of the sure and eternal with loyalty and faithfully insisting on the radiance of the personality. While "some" see homeless people with the smell of dirty alleys, elderly vagrants in torn, sloppy rags, the demographic breakdown of poorer people - it would be nice if we could rediscover some secret Humanity in them.

    Mouths can carry wounds - no doubt - just like the inner shelter-shell, where everyone consciously retreats sooner or later. - It is as if we are moving more and more comfortably in the deliberately crowded alleys of memories, because we ourselves secretly feel who those people are in their flesh and blood presence, and we can still count on them not only according to promises that are made. - The bustling City of Sehonna, too, seems to consider itself as a fixed place of Absence on a formula; as a beginner tourist, we try to live the tangle of our everyday lives again and again according to the laws of following the fixed rituals and rules, while we can't deliberately leave our well-organized, somewhat creaky, worn-out comfort zones, otherwise Everything will turn upside down!

    - Now the stock of goods hardly changes; a few half-witted, brain-tattooed, Marcona guys are put in the presenter's chair just because they increase the number of viewers more than the totality of the literary slot clocks combined. And while some lifestyle magazines also appear, where they talk about how to live a fitter, more health-oriented life, making use of Me Time, the average person still chews the brush with quiet, humble patience in his frustrated nuclear bomb temper, that he was led to believe by the many stupid torture exercises -speech as they selfishly pounced on him.
