is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • Extinct celestial bodies


    With connection, the dead material is no longer bound. Before the blinded, pure light can be released for good, it lingers and lingers in the intermediate transition...

    Life, as the insured unknown, already regularly holds its victims, both guilty and innocent. It is arranged and grouped into life-cells, which are certainly illuminating and weightless.

    In tangled nets of nerves, tangled in a dense mass of thoughts, the formula for staying alive is becoming less and less clear. Who knows if there is and could be a fixed point in Existence, if the whole thing already falls to its starting atoms?!

    They all carry blind stars above their throats that can kill anyone sooner than the changing of the seasons or a freed breath. Even in his weakness, he continues to weaken, the coward is forced to deliberately humiliate himself.

    Only the poor in spirit floating on the border can be happy and satisfied. One by one, old people and fetuses grunt like sleeping bats. Of course, everyone can be universally pushed out of Death, and everyone is already destitute, hopeless, totally naked and walking in the lawful direction of passing away.

    As a reef zombie, fewer people than all the other male pillar-formers may know the cheap march of bribeable mourning hussars. If it mattered - now - whatever the true word is, - the plaster dirt would not be able to drop its unworthy slag on anyone.

    Whether someone was a king or a scoundrel in his life, it would be forbidden to be angry with the dead, because merciful nature never chooses. It is absorbed as a diligent nutrient, which is provided by our calcium bones. In the Universe, Time also rotates and judges differently. Deceased celestial bodies fall to earth with a soft sigh...
