is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...



    A romantic, flirty moment caught; the visceral, honest expression of our emotions can seem like bragging and chasing, even in our own eyes. Part of everything is the so-called the internal process of self-exculpation, when we don't notice it anymore and we are immediately exposed. The Janus-masks will fall off once and for all, but only when we learn to truly and sincerely trust the other, because we know that the betrayal of our words, actions, and deeds will be the ordained origin and cause-and-effect relationship of unforgiveness.

    Every reflective curved surface reflects back at us; the childish naivety, in which - often - it's so good to carefree-forgetfully cling to, just as a playful-mischievous child is used to, deeply searching for the essence between the visions of snapshots; the most feared treasure-Egész is perhaps even now the inner suspicion, since we really cannot trust anyone. Girlfriends, wives, colleagues, as if they have long been part of a common cat-and-mouse game where there are never winner-loser terminologies.

    The petty error of extravagant elegance is what you see on the faces of supermodels, and even now you can't understand why the lovely directness has to be painted incessantly, in a self-deprecating way, as if you were a beggar on Sunday?! - One of the most vulnerable moments is when you give yourself completely and entirely to your Soul, the fearfully guarded, babbling individual, and you are not able to take care of it enough, so that the built-up Faith Whole does not collapse in blood from new stigma wounds.

    Zero-calorie diets, series of cardio workouts, or the saved calories of corresponding strictly, brutally carbohydrate-free meals seem like incomprehensible criteria, while you should always prove to yourself and not to the mirror that you are at least as worthy and unrepeatable as the average rest!
