is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • Opportunity

        How was it before? The budding scent-universe of roses chased him to Death: a petal-crushing allure, a flirtatious Reality that not even a fallen child-minded man can escape? Because love and forbidden Stars abraded in human hearts! The puzzle is ready! That's why he had to go to the depths of hell! The hungry and wild orgy of greedy cannibals is all to possess on this earth! Wounded Man do not sell yourself at any cost!
        Whoever has just come to live and prosper in this region will be expelled from themselves, chased away immediately! The enviable evil itself lacks the human-building lava stone, and the nose of the uncontrollable Sisyphean stone rumbles equally out of the Redeemer. - A deliberate Hermit-Orpheus who has moved away from the world: he is afraid of you here - more laurel merits can hardly be created, because the deserved Success has become salable, so everyone is determined to be down!
        Cocktail-rucis grins the smiley little girl's role with a chirping little mouth-smile and the universal devil of Idiotism conquers everywhere! - I slip into my evenings with a crouching shadow with invisible and intentional intentions; I can't let a brain-numbing, vile laziness guide me by the hand - when so much is still waiting for me as all possible care and counting on me! "Wolves have long been shed in sheepskin and sold by so many themselves." Oh, you unfortunate, deceived apostate! At least you can still do the sacred light of the wisdom of your mind, don't make a mess!
        As a Prophet with a stubborn hump, throw two on your feet and convince yourself to remain a Man forever
