is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • The recipe for advancement

        How can I build my career of opportunity over the open gap of raging Hell’s mouths? How could I prosper in the blind age of silly Celeb fools, when the pounding, unscrupulous break didn’t haunt me either !! "Roaring lava curses burned figured stigma on my sad face!" In the petty cat-and-mouse battle of humans, I fell to the ground many times voluntarily and there could hardly be anyone around me to help me! The worn-out rag wings of my idea were torn to small pieces by an insidious calculation, superficial Indifference!
        I tried to eye etheric spaces of light in the shells of True Pearls; I could have been stunned and happy, I would have been if the rules of my survival could be just an arm's length away! The shimmering lights of linden stars are only very rarely greeted; my cared forehead around the forehead a lot of lived glass balls rumbling in the dark! Everyday lightning shards zigzag through the waves of my existence and I still can't know
        how can I survive the One-way to get ahead ?! Towards demonstrable Mortality flows the sparkled countdown of Being we gained at birth! He threatens to grab my menacing Unsteady Throat and not let me through my chronic drowning!
        My chubby face fidgeted with grimaces at a defenseless little child trembling; a refreshing shower of showers shakes my relentless shoulders: a Mother-moon gaze flies away and touches me dearly and tenderly in my dreams, - then returns: the power of laughing from sparkling amber eyes echoes when a day is driven by its hibernated underwear!
