is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    USA busway

    East Coast to West Coast

    Greyhound Bus vision

    Lots of scenery in reason

    It took four days

    Hour by Hour

    Time didn’t sour

    That is what I call a vacation getaway
    I reclined and was relaxed

    No stress nor perplexed

    Major cities and towns stopped along the way

    No carry nor care in being estray

    The hound bus with the scent for the open road

    It was the scenery through the picture windows that unfolded

    Hound bus headlights at night being the guide

    Ever so close to the destination ride

    The thought of “Get in touch with America up close”

    Mountains high and wide

    Taking the highway in stride

    Boldness of America

    Another thought of GO WEST YOUNG MAN

    Took a chance and did just that

    I can surely contest

    Pure travel my confess

    From the East to West

    Adventure says it best

    Journey in and out

    That’s how my East Coast and West Coast about.


