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    Hail Man! Not only do you build today, but with your rudeness tempered to a sky-hardened rudeness, you are boundless! Thy life is a prison-cell girded with earth: instead of daily busy, active weekdays, it remains a ruthless enslavement of slave-labour. Unsupported by all, but exposed to every galling assault, Thou hast halted, for in the millstone-presses of thy fears, With responsibility thou hast rather shut back into thyself - Orphan, hesitant, and so awkward a pityado.

    And so that no more of the more vile chains, no more of the dagger thrusts of the robe-wall-weaving dagger thrusts, may be turned into a marble block of ore, you try to soothe your wandering, vulnerable soul, and the next day, in remorse and remorse, you confess to yourself in a judge-questioning, rootless-questioning way: 'Did I do right?! Have I done all? - Yet now I greet you with a relieved heart! Between the good and the bad, the race is still on. You would have reason to be hopeful, if you would dare to believe, that he may be changed, who once, with a scurrying meddler, with a scurrying malice, subdued others.

    While vulture-claws' warfare may go on and on, one may say the worthy sentence: No! When a few immoral, characterless frater may make up his mind, he may still hold himself ready for action, with a firm character. We should strive for the nobler again, for we should live in such a way that we can show not only meaning, but value, enriching ourselves and others. - Though man is still only ever more wildly, ever more like Prometheus, giving birth to his own stigma-tortures, if he is cursed in his daily life, he will not be free!

    Crises, petty claims, are now mercilessly shaken while Being: if it could help it, it would give birth to its giving fallen cares with fertile smiles!

